LD score regression was used to estimate the genetic correlations between ADHD-adjacent traits and a reference set of psychiatric, cognitive, and socio-behavioral traits. a, A first diagnosis of ADHD as an adult (n=3 323 cases with adult ADHD dx, n=10 761 cases with childhood ADHD dx), b, an ADHD-adjacent SUD diagnosis (n=2 627 ADHD cases with SUD dx, n=11 457 ADHD cases without SUD dx), and c, an ADHD-adjacent ASD diagnosis (n=2 284 ADHD cases with ASD dx, n=11 457 ADHD cases without ASD dx) show different patterns of genetic correlation (bars) with 46 reference traits.. Error bars denote standard error of the genetic correlation estimates, arrowheads indicate standard errors extend beyond the natural range of the estimand (>1 or < −1), and multiple comparisons were adjusted using FDR < 0.05 (corresponding to two-tailed z-score p-value < 3.9 × 10–4). See Supplementary table 15 for full statistical results and Supplementary table 28 for sample size of 46 reference GWAS. LDSC, LD score regression; FDR, false discovery rate; dx, diagnosis; ADHD, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; ASD, autism spectrum disorders; SUD, substance use disorder.