The reconstruction results of in vivo experimental dataset under different limited imaging conditions. (a1)-(a4) are the reconstruction results of the DAS method in limited-view cases of 120°, 105°, 80° and 60°, respectively. (b1)-(b4) represent the reconstruction results of the U-Net method in limited-view cases of 120°, 105°, 80° and 60°, respectively. (c1)-(c4) are the reconstruction results of the FS-DM method in limited-view cases of 120°, 105°, 80° and 60°, respectively. (d1)-(d4) show the reconstruction results of the proposed method in this study in limited-view cases of 120°, 105°, 80° and 60°, respectively. (a5)-(d5) represent the ground truths. (e) and (f) show error maps of close-up images indicated by the green rectangles 1 and 2, respectively. Ours, the approach utilizing multi-scale diffusion models; FS-DM, a diffusion model trained using the fully-sampled sinogram dataset; GT, ground truth.