Influence of chemical
environment on the surface structure of Pd-iC-CeO2. (A)
CO-ATR of Pd-iC-CeO2 under pristine, aqueous,
and 0.5 M H2O2 solutions (B) ATR deconvolution
of individual MtM surface states at temperature after simulated reaction
conditions in either pure D2O or 0.5 M H2O2/D2O conditions. Conditions: 10%CO/He or pure CH4 using 2 mL of D2O or 0.5 M H2O2 in a trough configuration measured in a static gas atmosphere
simulating batch condition, conditions for reaction 10 mg catalyst
suspended in either D2O, 0.5 M H2O2, or mixtures of D2O/H2O2, as indicated,
and reacted in sealed ATR cell under 20 psig gas pressure for 1 h.