(A) The efforts of the San Francisco Health Systems Collaborative
contributed to high Covid-19 vaccination rates across most age groups, with 6 of
10 segments achieving the Collaborative’s target of 90%. Completion of
the vaccine series is defined as completion of the first dose. Follow-up booster
vaccination is not included. (B) The efforts of the San Francisco Health Systems
Collaborative contributed to high Covid-19 vaccination rates across all age
groups, ranging from 78% to 90%. Completion of the vaccine series is defined as
completion of the first dose. Follow-up booster vaccination is not included.
Note: The red dotted line represents the goal of achieving a 90%
complete Covid-19 vaccination rate.
Disclaimer: Population information is from the 2020 American Community
Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates. The U.S. Census Bureau provides these data. We
use these data to estimate the percent of each SF group that is up to date on
their Covid-19 vaccinations. The ACS estimates the number of residents in each
age group based on a survey of residents. Estimates may not be precise,
especially for groups with smaller populations. If the true population is larger
than the estimate we use, then the true vaccination rate will be lower than what
we report here. This is likely true for groups that show a larger number of
vaccine recipients than estimated residents. As a result, the percent of
residents who are up to date is only an estimate and percentages will not be
reported above 90%. </p/>Source: The authors, with data from:
DataSF. SFDPH Reporting - Demographics Population Estimates. Updated June 12,
2024. Accessed June 26, 2024. https://data.sfgov.org/Economy-and-Community/SFDPH-reporting-demographics-population-estimates/cedd-86uf/about_data.
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