Table 2.
Overall results.
Category | rK39 RDT |
Tested | Positive | Seroprev (95% CI) | Tested | Positive | Seroprev (95% CI) | Tested | Positive | Seroprev (95% CI) | |
CE | 5528 | 23 | 0.42% (0.28-0.62) | 5260 | 27 | 0.51% (0.35-0.75) | 5262 | 274 | 5.21% (4.62-5.84) |
PE | 6040 | 16 | 0.26% (0.16-0.43) | 6031 | 98 | 1.62% (1.34-1.98) | 6065 | 94 | 1.55% (1.25-1.89) |
NE | 3854 | 0 | 0.00% (0.00-0.10) | 3841 | 2 | 0.05% (0.01-0.19) | 3841 | 5 | 0.13% (0.04-0.30) |
TOTAL | 15,422 | 39 | 0.25% (0.19-0.35) | 15,132 | 127 | 0.84% (0.71-1.00) | 15,168 | 373 | 2.46% (2.22-2.72) |
Serological results per category of endemicity for the three serological tests used.
CE, currently endemic; NE, nonendemic; PE, previously endemic.