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. 2024 Sep 1;16(9):e68392. doi: 10.7759/cureus.68392

Table 19. Rationality behind the used formulation in COVID-19 during 28 days-60 days (Punaravartaka Jwara phase) in Add-on Ayurveda Group (Group 1) – Ayurvedic Medicine Track.

*n represents the count of patients who received the specified medication within the given timeframe

+Dosage and frequency were decided based on the Ayurveda physician’s clinical judgement

Medicine Name Rationale Dosage+ n (%)* Frequency of intake+
Bharangyadi Kashayam Sannipataja jwara(complicated fevers involving all three doshas), vishamajwara(intermittent fever), jeerna jwara(chronic fever), shirograha(headache), parshwashoola (pain in the flanks of the chest), hrith shola(chest pain around the heart), kasa(cough), shwasa(dyspnea) , tandra(semi-comatose condition) and agnimandhya(low metabolism). 7.5 - 15 ml 19 (90.5%) Once/Twice
Indukantham Kashayam Vata predominant type of fever associated with cough, breathing difficulty and fluid accumulation. 7.5 - 15 ml 15 (71.4%) Once/Twice
Nayopayam Kashayam Given during acute phase of COVID-19 with acute dyspnea, bloatedness, reverse peristalsis, belching associated with chest discomfort. 7.5 ml 8 (38.1%) Once/Twice
Drakshadi Kashyam In Chronic fever and Vomiting 7.5 - 15 ml 6 (28.6%) Once/Twice
Panchathikthakam Kashayam All eight type of fever as classified in Ayurveda associated with Kasa swasa. 7.5 ml 3 (14.3%) Once/Twice
Guduchyadi Kashayam In fever, vomiting, renal disorders, migraine, and diabetes. 7.5 ml 2 (9.5%) Once/Twice
Rasonadi kashayam Given in both acute and chronic COVID-19 cases where cardiovascular stress, and coagulopathy symptoms are high. 7.5 ml 2 (9.5%) Twice
Patolakadurohinyadi Kashayam In Kapha Pitta type of fever associated with Vomiting, Loss of appetite, skin rashes and symptoms of toxicity. 7.5 ml 1 (4.8%) Twice
Suvarnamukatadi Fever, vertigo, fatigue, loss of smell, and semi-comatose conditions. 27 - 54 mg 14 (66.7%) Once/Twice/four
Gorochanadi Gulika Fever associated with giddiness, nausea, breathlessness, General weakness, headache, Asthma, hiccups, cough, Hemiplegia and Ansomia. 100 mg 12 (57.1%) Once/Twice/four
Swasanandam Acute dyspnea. 50mg 3 (14.3%) Once/Twice
Pravala Bhasmam Acute dyspnea associated with hyperacidity and to iniate innate immune response. 125 - 250 mg 12 (57.1%) Every 3 hours/Twice/once
Agasthyarasayanam Given both in acute and chronic condition of Cough, Dyspnoea, Rhinitis, Hiccup, Fever, Lack of appetite in COVID patients. 5 - 6 g 12 (57.1%) Every 3 hours/Twice/once
Vidaryadi Lehyam Given during both acute and chronic COVID-19 patients showing symptoms of fatigue, weight loss, myalgia, shortness of breath having moderate or good digestive activity. 5 - 6 g 6 (28.6%) Every 3 hours/Twice
Brahmarasayana Given both in acute and chronic condition of Cough, Dyspnoea, Rhinitis, Hiccup, Fever, Lack of appetite in COVID patients. 5 - 6 g 4 (19%) Every 3 hours/Twice/once
Baladi Gritham Given during both acute and chronic COVID-19 patients showing symptoms of fatigue, shortness of breath, persistent reoccurring fever, and lung consolidation. 1/2 - 5 - 6 g 18 (85.7%) Once/Twice