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. 2024 Sep 1;16(9):e68392. doi: 10.7759/cureus.68392

Table 6. Sensitivity analyses: Treatment outcomes: Percentage of symptom presence over time (acute and chronic phase) (N = 36)a.

Gp 1: Add on Ayurveda Group, Gp 2: Standard of care group

*Values at 95% Confidence Interval where the level of significance, α= 0.05. a Population with last observation carried forward for 20% of missing values lost to follow-up. b p-values assessed by Chi-square/Fisher’s test over 14 days. p-values assessed using mixed effects logistic regression with treatment group and time point as covariates, while adjusting for baseline differences with the improvement in response as the outcome.

Parameters Baseline Day 14 Day 28   Day 60 p value between groups over timec
Gp 1 (N = 22) Gp 2 (N = 14) Gp 1 (N = 22) Gp 2 (N = 14) p value between groups over 14 daysb Gp 1 (N = 22) Gp 2 (N = 14) p value between groups over 28 daysc Gp 1 (N = 22) Gp 2 (N = 14)
Anosmia 59.10% 35.70% 18.20% 14.30% 0.029* 13.60% 7.10% 0.036* 9.10% 7.10% 0.045*
Tastelessness 36.40% 35.70% 18.20% 17.10% 0.609 13.60% 0.00% 0.048* 4.50% 0.00% 0.427
Cough 78.60% 81.80% 28.60% 35.90% 0.633 14.30% 22.70% 0.648 14.30% 22.70% 0.176
Shortness of breath 54.50% 50.00% 22.70% 17.10% 0.676 18.20% 17.10% 0.785 9.10% 17.10% 0.045*
General Weakness 77.30% 71.40% 63.60% 50.00% 0.809 36.40% 35.70% 0.899 31.80% 42.90% 0.859
Headache 27.30% 21.40% 9.10% 0.00% 0.693 27.30% 0.00% 0.788 9.10% 7.10% 0.998
Confusion 9.10% 7.10% 0.00% 0.00% - 0.00% 0.00% - 4.50% 0.00% -