FIG. 1.
Construction of a UL37-negative PrV mutant and UL37-expressing cells. (A) Diagram of the PrV genome shown above a BamHI restriction fragment map. The PrV genome is divided into unique long (UL) and unique short (US) regions by internal and terminal repeats (IR and TR, respectively). (B) Enlarged view of the relevant portion of the genome. The locations of the ORFs are shown, and transcriptional orientation is indicated by arrows. (C) Construction of a transfer plasmid to create PrV-ΔUL37. (D) Construct used to establish cell line RK13-UL37. (E) Construct used for the expression of UL37 as a GST-UL37 fusion protein. Relevant cleavage sites are indicated: B, BamHI; Bx, BstXI; E, EcoRI; H, HindIII; K, KpnI; N, NotI; P, PstI; S, SalI; and Sp, SphI. Sequences encoding GFP or GST are not drawn to scale.