We mapped data from the BrainSpan gene expression atlas to the Power atlas, and repeated the PLS and gene set enrichment analyses described in the main text. We found similar results to the original analysis in which we had used the AHBA gene expression dataset, including highly similar transcriptomic correlates of subgroup atypical connectivity. For the PLS analysis, we first calculated gene expression at each brain region (ROI) and atypical connectivity (RSFC) summed over ROIs for each subgroup. Second, we performed PLS regression for each subgroup. Third, we ranked genes by PLS gene weights in each model. The results were highly similar to those observed in the original analysis using the AHBA gene expression atlas. Heatmaps of gene set enrichment for each subgroup’s ranked gene weights for (a vs. b) ASD-related gene sets, (c vs. d) nonpsychiatric disease-related gene sets, (e vs. f) psychiatric disorder-related gene sets, (g vs. h) synaptic signaling gene sets, (i vs. j) immune signaling gene sets, and (k vs. l) protein translation gene sets. All subgroups were enriched for ASD-related gene sets, but not for unrelated diseases. Color indicates strength of negative log transformed FDR for normalized enrichment score multiplied by sign of gene weight (+1 or −1). The P values were calculated and FDR-corrected as in Fig. 5.