Fig. 1.
Effect of night-time hypoglycaemia (a, b) or daytime hypoglycaemia (c, d) among adults with type 1 diabetes (a, c, n=274) or type 2 diabetes (b, n=318; d, n=320). PRH episodes were reported in the app check-ins. SDH episodes (glucose levels <3.9 mmol/l for ≥15 min) were detected by (blinded) sensor. Results are coefficients from regression model adjusted for demographic, clinical, psychological and app-related factors. Higher scores on all scales represent ‘better’ daily functioning. Nights (a, b) or days (c, d) without hypoglycaemia (type A, at 0%) are used as reference. Domains are sorted by most to least impacted domain under type D (PRH and SDH) in (a). Lines represent 95% CIs (missing if going outside axis limit)