(A) Hygiene status – limb washed and clean. Hygiene training was carried out at baseline and at 4, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months. At the same point, participants were assessed for the hygiene of the legs. In this graph, the overall assessment “limb was washed and clean” is shown for all time points. The dotted lines indicate that not all participants were present at all time points. (B) Forrest plot – multivariable analysis for hygiene status over time. The Forest plot shows the variables that were included in a multivariable logistic regression model (PROC GENMOD) for the time-dependent outcome variable “limb washed and clean,” also referred to as “hygiene status.” The following covariables were chosen for the model: sex (male/female), age, weight, years in endemic area, treatment (DOX 200/DOX 100/placebo), other leg affected, and region (Kassena Nankana East and Kassena Nankana West), as well as the following time-dependent covariables (taking changes during the follow-up period into account): LE staging (stage 1, 2, or 3), ADL attack during the previous 6 months (no/yes), FTS positivity (active LF infection), and season at time of assessment (rainy or dry season). Odds ratios (ORs) with 95% CIs are given for each covariable. ADL = adenolymphangitis; BSL = baseline; DOX = doxycycline; FTS = filariasis test strip; LE = lymphedema; LF = lymphatic filariasis; PROC GENMOD = Procedure for Generalized Linear Models.