Fig. 2.
Single-channel properties of TRPV4 and its activation by GSK1016790A a Representative single-channel current traces at different holding potentials (Vhold) from an outside-out patch of an oocyte expressing TRPV4. b Average single-channel I-V plot calculated from recordings (11 patches from three batches of oocytes) similar to those shown in a. Binned current amplitude histograms (not shown for clarity) were used to determine the single-channel current amplitude (i) at each holding potential. The dashed line represents a polynomial fit of the data. c, d Representative single-channel current recordings obtained at Vhold=−82 mV from outside-out patches of an oocyte expressing TRPV4 and of a non-injected control oocyte (n.i.), respectively. GSK1016790A (50 nM) and HC067047 (100 nM) were present in the bath solution as indicated by the bars above the traces. Single-channel traces from experiments as shown in c were further analysed to determine NPO (e) and the number of active channel channels in a patch (Nactive; f) before application of GSK1016790A (before GSK, n= 10), after application GSK1016790A (GSK, n=10) and in the presence of HC067047 (HC, n=8). **p<0.01; ***p<0.001 unpaired t test