a) Number of completely and accurately assembled centromeres across 65 diverse human genomes, colored by population group. Mean, dashed line. b,c) Examples of di-kinetochores, defined as two CDRs located >80 kbp apart from each other, on the b) HG02953 Chromosome 6 centromere and c) HG01573 Chromosome 15 centromere. Ultra-long ONT reads span both CDRs in each case, indicating that the CDRs occur on the same chromosome in the cell population. d) Differences in the ɑ-satellite HOR array organization and methylation patterns between the CHM13 and NA18989 (H1) chromosome 19 centromeres. The NA18989 (H1) chromosome 19 centromere has two CDRs, indicating the potential presence of a di-kinetochore. e) Mobile element insertions (MEIs) in the Chromosome 2 centromeric α-satellite HOR array. Most MEIs are consistent with duplications of the same element rather than distinct insertions, and all of them reside outside of the CDR.