Not depressed at follow-up (n = 10) |
Barriers to engagement: Some had no challenges, depression itself was a barrier to engagement, mothers overcame challenges to attend
Attrition: Mothers shared the negative impact of losing other group members
Stigma: One mother mentioned stigma regarding her son’s diagnosis
Termination: Two mothers stated they wished there was another group available, or a way to check-in with previous group members
Depressed at follow-up (n = 9) |
Barriers to engagement: Mothers shared difficulty trusting therapists/getting along with other members, scheduling difficulties
Attrition: Mothers shared the negative impact of losing other members
Stigma: Several mothers reported difficulty talking about mental health due to stigma
Mothers with subclinical symptoms (n = 6) |
Barriers to engagement: Challenges related to needing to transport children to school/other activities
Attrition: Shared impact of cancelled groups
Stigma: Mothers reported presence of stigma in the community and need to overcome it