(A) Mice were habituated to IP injections with vehicle and were then divided into T3 and vehicle control cohorts.
(B) FISH of Hr in M2 (left: control; middle: T3; nuclei pseudo-colored by number of puncta, see Figure S1E). Scale bars, 200 μm. Right: Hr expression as a function of cortical depth. Hr is upregulated by T3 across cortex (p = 0, Wilcoxon rank-sum test comparing treatment effect across entire cortical depth; control: n = 5,494 cells; T3: n = 6,061; 2 mice per condition). Central line/shade: mean/95% confidence intervals. Dotted lines: mean expression values per mouse.
(C) Home-cage indirect calorimetry revealed that energy expenditure, food consumption, and distance traveled significantly increased with T3 treatment (p < 10−4, likelihood ratio tests, n = 16 control, n = 15 T3-treated mice). Central line/shade: mean/SEM.
(D) Top: schematic of light-dark preference assay (LD). Bottom: example heatmaps of the duration that a control (left) and a T3-treated (right) mouse occupied each area of the LD box.
(E) Duration male mice stayed in the light-exposed zone increased with T3 (left) (p = 0.004, n = 24 control, n = 25 T3 mice), was unaffected by sobetirome (middle) (p = 0.818, n = 35 control, n = 36 sobetirome mice), and decreased with PTU (right) (p = 0.04, n = 24 control, n = 24 mice). Welch’s t tests. Central line: median, box: IQ, whiskers: data within 1.5× IQR. Black dots indicate data from single mice.
For all panels: n.s., not significant; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
See also Figures S1, S2, and S3.