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. 2024 Oct 5;14:23165. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-73648-6

Table 2.

Multivariate analysis of factors associated with HIV late diagnosis in all participants and in different age groups. OR, odds ratio, CI, confidence interval, VCT, HIV voluntary counseling and testing, ref, reference.

Characteristics Total (N = 22,504) < 50 yrs (N = 9,241) ≥ 50 yrs (N = 13,263)
OR (95% CI) Inline graphic OR (95% CI) Inline graphic OR (95% CI) Inline graphic
Female Ref Ref Ref
Male 1.178 (1.095–1.268) < 0.001 1.291(1.124–1.483) < 0.001 1.184(1.086–1.291) < 0.001
Han Ref Ref Ref
Ethnic minorities 0.887 (0.787–0.999) 0.049 0.858 (0.724–1.018) 0.079 0.917 (0.775–1.085) 0.312
Education level
College or higher Ref Ref Ref
Senior high school 0.976 (0.880–1.083) 0.646 0.932 (0.832–1.045) 0.231 0.987 (0.751–1.297) 0.925
Junior high school 1.022 (0.919–1.136) 0.688 1.129 (0.997–1.280) 0.056 0.898 (0.697–1.158) 0.407
Primary school or lower 1.033 (0.918–1.162) 0.590 1.427 (1.174–1.736) < 0.001 0.911 (0.706–1.174) 0.470
Employment status
Studying Ref Ref / /
Working 1.176 (0.981–1.409) 0.079 1.592 (1.350–1.877) < 0.001 Ref
Non-working 1.117 (0.929–1.344) 0.238 1.302 (1.090–1.556) 0.004 1.034 (0.922–1.160) 0.565
Other 1.218 (1.001–1.483) 0.049 1.532 (1.272–1.846) < 0.001 1.152 (0.926–1.434) 0.205
Marital status
Unmarried Ref Ref Ref
Married 0.971 (0.878–1.074) 0.566 1.252 (1.112–1.410) < 0.001 0.935 (0.787–1.110) 0.442
Divorced or widowed 0.997 (0.896–1.111) 0.962 1.339 (1.161–1.544) < 0.001 0.972 (0.815–1.158) 0.748
Registered region
Central Hunan Ref Ref Ref
Northern Hunan 1.041 (0.956–1.134) 0.358 0.848 (0.745–0.964) 0.012 1.214 (1.082–1.364) 0.001
Southern Hunan 1.101 (1.022–1.186) 0.012 1.062 (0.936–1.205) 0.350 1.162 (1.058–1.276) 0.002
Western Hunan 1.544 (1.386–1.720) < 0.001 1.335 (1.133–1.573) 0.001 1.717 (1.486–1.983) < 0.001
Mode of HIV acquisition
Homosexual contact Ref Ref Ref
Heterosexual contact 1.153 (1.049–1.266) 0.003 1.208 (1.082–1.349) 0.001 1.254 (1.025–1.534) 0.028
Blood contact 0.752 (0.553–1.023) 0.070 0.689 (0.451–1.052) 0.085 1.025 (0.636–1.652) 0.920
Other 1.314 (1.165–1.482) < 0.001 1.197 (1.029–1.393) 0.020 1.567 (1.239–1.982) < 0.001
Sample sources
VCT Ref Ref Ref
Health facilities 1.364 (1.278–1.455) < 0.001 1.542 (1.401–1.697) < 0.001 1.239 (1.133–1.355) < 0.001
Investigation 1.020 (0.873–1.192) 0.800 1.056 (0.786–1.419) 0.716 0.977 (0.811–1.177) 0.806
Other 0.917 (0.761–1.105) 0.363 0.970 (0.774–1.217) 0.794 0.906 (0.648–1.266) 0.563
Age (years)
16–25 Ref
26–35 1.357 (1.188–1.551) < 0.001
36–49 2.159 (1.857–2.510) < 0.001
≥ 50 2.225 (1.901–2.604) < 0.001