A, schematic representation of coronal brain slice showing the recording of EPSCs evoked by focal electric stimulation in the DLS of C57BL/6J mice. B, representative electrically evoked EPSC traces before, during and after DAMGO (0.3 μM, 5 min) application. C, the activation of MOR by DAMGO induced glutamatergic LTD in DLS MSNs of C57BL/6J mice (final 10 min of recording average: 74 ± 3%). D, eEPSC amplitudes in MSNs within DLS were significantly reduced after DAMGO application (0–10 min baseline vs. final 10 min of recording; paired t test, P < 0.0001, t9 = 6.688, n = 10 neurons from five mice). E, schematic representation of coronal brain slice showing the recording of EPSCs evoked by focal optical stimulation (470 nm blue light for 5 ms exposure) in the DLS of Emx1-Ai32 mice. F, representative optically evoked EPSC traces before, during and after DAMGO (0.3 μM, 5 min) application. G, the activation of MOR by DAMGO induced corticostriatal LTD in DLS MSNs of Emx1-Ai32 (final 10 min of recording average: 75 ± 3%). H, oEPSC amplitudes were significantly reduced after DAMGO application (0–10 min baseline vs. final 10 min of recording; paired t test, P < 0.0001, t8 = 7.73, n = 9 neurons from four mice). I, schematic figure of the injection paradigm showing an AAV vector encoding for ChR2 (AAV.hSyn.ChR2.YFP) in AIC in C57BL/6J mice, this AAV was injected 2 weeks prior to recordings. Also, the next schematic representation of coronal brain slice shows the recording of oEPSCs (470 nm blue light for 5 ms exposure) in the DLS. J, representative AIC-DLS oEPSC traces before, during and after DAMGO (0.3 μM, 5 min) application. K, DAMGO induced AIC-DLS LTD (final 10 min of recording average: 76 ± 5%). L, DAMGO application significantly reduced oEPSC amplitudes (0–10 min baseline vs. final 10 min of recording; paired t test, P = 0.00403, t6 = 4.5, n = 7 neurons from four mice). Data represent means ± SEM. **P < 0.01, ****P < 0.0001.