FIG. 5.
Immunofluorescence on frozen sections of selected organs. Frozen sections of organs prepared from PrV-Ka-infected (A, C, and E) or PrV-gD− Pass-infected (B, D, and F) animals were subjected to indirect immunofluorescence by using a MAb mixture directed against gB (A20-c26) and gC (B16-c8). (A and B) Nasal mucosa (regio cutanea); 4 days p.i. Magnification, ca. ×440. (C and D) Ganglia cells at the bulbus olfactorius; 5 days p.i. Magnification, ca. ×220. (E and F) Perikarya at the ganglion trigeminale; 4 days p.i. Magnification, ca. ×440.