a, (upper). Venn diagram of ChIP peaks for NCOR1 (GSM647027) or NCOR2 (GSM1236494) and differential ATAC peaks (Differential ATAC peaks were filtered based on fold change>1.5 compared to control samples with FDR <.05). (lower) Z-score normalized heatmap showing ATACseq signal for genomic regions identified in Venn overlap (panel a). These correspond to 3,854 NCOR1/2 binding sites that exhibited changes in chromatin accessibility in the dKO. b, Pearson’s Correlation of RNAseq (dKO day 5) and differential ATAC peaks bound by NCOR1/NCOR2 (sites identified in Venn overlap from panel a), p<.0001. ATAC peaks were filtered with a 200kb cutoff to nearest gene and differential gene expression was filtered based on FDR<.05, FC≥1.2. c, −Log10(FDR) of Top ontology terms (GO: Biological Process) of downregulated genes nearest to the 855 enhancers bound by NCOR1/2 with decreased accessibility. d, Example tracks of loci with enhancers exhibiting decreased accessibility and decreased gene expression. RNAseq tracks (control and dKO day 5 livers, group autoscaled), ATACseq tracks (hepatocytes isolated from control and dKO day 5 livers, group autoscaled) and NCOR1 ChIPseq (control livers, ZT10, autoscaled) are shown.