Capsids of the UL37 null mutant are seen to accumulate in the nucleus and cytoplasm of infected Vero cells. (A and B) UL37 null mutant capsids accumulate in clusters (arrows) within the nucleus, and in many cases the accumulation is quite large (asterisk), generally in close proximity to the nuclear envelope. (C) UL37 mutant enveloped capsids are seen in the perinuclear ER cisternae (arrows). (D) UL37 mutant capsids accumulate extensively in the cytoplasm (asterisks). (E) High magnification of boxed area in panel D showing extensive cytoplasmic accumulation of UL37 mutant capsids (asterisk). er, endoplasmic reticulum; m, mitochondria; n, nucleus. Bars = 1.0 μm (A), 0.5 μm (B and C), 1.0 μm (D), and 0.5 μm (E).