Table 1. Examples of scoring in the Story Recall – Immediate Recall subtest.
Story | Criteria | 0.0 Points | 0.5 Point | 1.0 Point |
Kicheol | Kicheol | Cheolsool | Kicheol | |
A middle school student | Middle school | Elementary school | Middle school | |
Came across | To meet | Saw | Came across/Met | |
One | One person | Two people | One (person) | |
Elderly lady | Elderly lady | Elderly man | Elderly person | Woman |
Seoul Station | Seoul Station | Subway station | Station | Seoul station |
The elderly lady | Elderly lady | Elderly lady | Elderly person | Elderly woman |
Was going | Going | Went/left | Was going to go | Was going |
Her daughter’s | Daughter | Cousin/niece | Family | Daughter |
House | To the house | To the shop | To her apartment | To the house |
Carrying | To carry | On the head | Holding | |
A pack | A pack | A bag | A pack/ a carton | |
Of eggs | Eggs | Ball | Eggs | |
And a jar | A jar | A bag | A jar | |
Red pepper paste | Red pepper paste | Miso paste | Red pepper paste | |
Kicheol | Kicheol | Cheolsoo | Kicheol | |
Carried | Carried | Held the jar together with | Carried | |
The jar | A jar | A pack | A jar | |
Of red pepper paste | Red pepper paste | Miso paste | Red pepper paste | |
The bus station | Bus station | Taxi station | To the bus ride | To the bus stop |