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. 2024 Sep 25;15:1462018. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2024.1462018


Effect of Malva supplementation on the jejunal histomorphology of broiler chicken.

Treatment 1 2 3 4 SEM P-value
VH (µm) 1,103.13 1,117.25 1,128.66 1,130.84 4.736 0.135
CD (µm) 171.27 169.53 159.98 157.49 2.022 0.014
VH:CD ratio 6.45b 6.59b 7.06 a 7.19 a 0.097 0.002

T1 (Control)—Basal diet only; T2—Basal diet +1% MSLP; T3—Basal diet +1.5% MSLP; T4—Basal diet +2% MSLP; SEM—standard error of the mean.


Means within a row bearing different superscripts differ significantly (P < 0.05). VH—villus height; CD—crypt depth.