Table 5.
Attributes provided in the point (barrier) and polygon (reservoir) layer of the GDW v1.0 database.
Column title | Description (for more information and detail, see Technical Documentation) | Number of occurrences |
GDW_ID | Unique ID for each barrier and associated reservoir | 41,145 |
Res_name | Name of reservoir or lake (i.e., impounded waterbody) | 2,098 |
Dam_name | Name of dam/barrier structure | 10,071 |
Alt_name | Alternative name of reservoir or dam/barrier (including different spelling, different language) | 1,806 |
Dam_type | Type of dam/barrier (e.g., dam, lock, lake control structure) | 41,145 |
Lake_ctrl | Indicates reservoirs that represent a natural lake regulated by a control structure | 209 |
River | Name of impounded river | 9,501 |
Alt_river | Alternative name of impounded river (including different spelling, different language) | 714 |
Main_basin | Name of main basin | 2,738 |
Sub_basin | Name of sub-basin | 721 |
Country | Name of country | 41,145 |
Sec_cntry | Secondary country (indicating international dams or reservoirs associated with multiple countries) | 202 |
Admin_unit | Name of administrative unit | 41,145 |
Sec_admin | Secondary administrative unit (indicating dams or reservoirs associated with multiple administrative units) | 4,866 |
Near_city | Name of nearest city | 6,370 |
Alt_city | Alternative name of nearest city (including different spelling, different language) | 302 |
Year_dam | Year in which the dam/barrier was built (may also refer to year of commissioning or refurbishment) | 15,230 |
Pre_year | Estimated year before which the dam/barrier was built, as derived from remote sensing imagery | 2,518 |
Year_src | Source of information for column ‘Year_dam’ | 17,749 |
Alt_year | Alternative year of construction (e.g., multi-year construction phase, update, secondary dam construction) | 805 |
Rem_year | Year in which the dam/barrier was removed, replaced, subsumed, or destroyed | 10 |
Timeline | Indicates status or change of a barrier/reservoir over time (e.g., removed, subsumed, under construction) | 70 |
Year_txt | Summary of year information in text format | 41,145 |
Dam_hgt_m | Height of dam/barrier in meters | 9,311 |
Alt_hgt_m | Alternative height of dam/barrier (may indicate update or secondary dam construction) | 366 |
Dam_len_m | Length of dam/barrier in meters | 8,276 |
Alt_len_m | Alternative length of dam/barrier (may indicate update or secondary dam construction) | 208 |
Area_skm | Surface area of reservoir in square kilometers; consolidated from other ‘Area’ columns | 35,321 |
Area_poly | Surface area of associated reservoir polygon in square kilometers | 35,295 |
Area_rep | Most reliable reported surface area of reservoir in square kilometers | 7,444 |
Area_max | Maximum value of other reported surface areas in square kilometers | 158 |
Area_min | Minimum value of other reported surface areas in square kilometers | 289 |
Cap_mcm | Storage capacity of reservoir in million cubic meters; consolidated from other ‘Cap’ columns, or estimated | 35,334 |
Cap_max | Reported ‘maximum storage capacity’ in million cubic meters | 4,403 |
Cap_rep | Reported ‘storage capacity’ in million cubic meters; value may refer to different types of storage capacity | 9,044 |
Cap_min | Minimum value of other reported storage capacities in million cubic meters | 1,176 |
Depth_m | Average depth of reservoir in meters; calculated as ratio between capacity (‘Cap_mcm’) and area (‘Area_skm’) | 35,321 |
Dis_avg_ls | Long-term (1971–2000) average discharge at dam location in liters per second; value provided by RiverATLAS | 41,134 |
Dor_pc | Degree of Regulation (DOR) in percent; calculated as ratio between capacity (‘Cap_mcm’) and total annual discharge | 35,168 |
Elev_masl | Elevation of reservoir surface in meters above sea level | 41,134 |
Catch_skm | Area of upstream catchment draining into the reservoir in square kilometers; value provided by RiverATLAS | 41,134 |
Catch_rep | Reported area of upstream catchment draining into reservoir in square kilometers | 4,007 |
Power_mw | Hydropower capacity in MW | 242 |
Data_info | Supporting information on certain data issues (such as source of estimated storage capacity) | 27,977 |
Use_irri | Used for irrigation (‘Main’; ‘Major’; ‘Sec’ = Secondary use; or ‘Multi’ if multiple uses exist without a ranking) | 2,669 |
Use_elec | Used for hydroelectricity production (‘Main’; ‘Major’; ‘Sec’; or ‘Multi’) | 3,065 |
Use_supp | Used for water supply (‘Main’; ‘Major’; ‘Sec’; or ‘Multi’) | 2,286 |
Use_fcon | Used for flood control (‘Main’; ‘Major’; ‘Sec’; or ‘Multi’) | 2,030 |
Use_recr | Used for recreation (‘Main’; ‘Major’; ‘Sec’; or ‘Multi’) | 2,105 |
Use_navi | Used for navigation (‘Main’; ‘Major’; ‘Sec’; or ‘Multi’) | 322 |
Use_fish | Used for fisheries (‘Main’; ‘Major’; ‘Sec’; or ‘Multi’) | 359 |
Use_pcon | Used for pollution control (‘Main’; ‘Major’; ‘Sec’; or ‘Multi’) | 106 |
Use_live | Used for livestock water supply (‘Main’; ‘Major’; ‘Sec’; or ‘Multi’) | 49 |
Use_othr | Used for other purposes (‘Main’; ‘Major’; ‘Sec’; or ‘Multi’); includes purposes other than those above, or mixed usage | 800 |
Main_use | Main purpose of reservoir (incl. ‘multipurpose’ if multiple uses exist without a ranking) | 8,435 |
Multi_dams | Indicates whether there is more than one dam associated with this reservoir (e.g., main and saddle dam) | 225 |
Comments | Comments | 964 |
Url | URL of related website | 1,229 |
Quality | Quality index (verified, good, fair, poor, unreliable; for definitions see Technical Documentation) | 41,145 |
Editor | Final data editor of entered information | 41,145 |
Long_riv | Longitude of the point location of the dam/barrier in decimal degrees after co-registration to the HydroSHEDS drainage network | 41,145 |
Lat_riv | Latitude of the point location of the dam/barrier in decimal degrees after co-registration to the HydroSHEDS drainage network | 41,145 |
Long_dam | Longitude of the actual point location of the dam/barrier in decimal degrees | 6,113 |
Lat_dam | Latitude of the actual point location of the dam/barrier in decimal degrees | 6,113 |
Orig_src | Original dataset from which the dam/barrier or reservoir was derived | 41,145 |
Poly_src | Original source of reservoir polygon (incl. ‘no polygon’) | 41,145 |
GRanD_ID | Unique ID for each original record in the GRanD database (version 1.4) | 7,424 |
Hyriv_ID | Unique ID of the associated river reach in RiverATLAS dataset (version 1.0); ID = 0 for off-stream barriers | 41,106 |
Instream | Indicator stating whether dam/barrier is located on a river reach of RiverATLAS, or off-stream | 41,145 |
Hylak_ID | Unique ID of the associated polygon in HydroLAKES dataset (version 1.1) and corresponding LakeATLAS dataset | 31,264 |
Hybas_L12 | Unique ID for each corresponding sub-basin at level 12 in the BasinATLAS dataset (version 1.0) | 41,134 |
Note that the ‘number of occurrences’ refers to the point layer (41,145 barriers) and will be lower for the polygon layer (35,295 reservoirs). More details on specifics of attributes are provided in the Technical Documentation accompanying the data files.