Gene expression of ABCB1
(P-gp) and ABCG2 (BCRP) in tissue n = 34 and in enteroid
monolayers n = 18
across the age range. Black dots are donors with tissue and enteroid
measurement. Gray dots miss one of the two models. (A) ABCB1 in tissue,
(B) ABCB1 in enteroid monolayers, (C) correlation of ABCB1 expression
between tissue and enteroid monolayers, (D) ABCG2 in tissue, (E) ABCG2
in enteroid monolayers, (F) correlation of ABCG2 expression between
tissue and enteroid monolayers, (G) EPCAM in tissue, (H) EPCAM in
enteroid monolayers, (I) correlation of EPCAM expression between tissue
and enteroid monolayers, (J) VIL1 in tissue, (K) VIL1 in enteroid
monolayers, and (L) correlation of VIL1 between tissue and enteroid