Processing parameters and time for each dataset. Wall clock time for analysis of three different datasets is provided as a benchmark for performance. All run times are presented in HH:MM:SS format (omitting zero values). For the multi-pass PDZ2 data, Laue-DIALS runtimes are presented for a single pass of 45 images, where 4 CPUs were used for spot finding and indexing, 8 CPUs were used for refinement and spot prediction, and 1 CPU was used for integration. Careless runtime includes all 1064 images. For simulated DHFR data (reference data only) 4 CPUs were used for all processes except for laue.integrate (2 CPUs) and Careless merging (1 GPU). Careless merging times are for training only, and not for running on half-dataset repeats. For the Anomalous HEWL data, 8 CPUs were used for indexing through refinement, 48 CPUs were used for spot prediction, and 64 CPUs were used for integration.