(A) Innate immune activity in neural stem cell (left) and differentiated cultures (right), as measured by phosphorylation of key signaling proteins (TBK1, IRF3, STAT1) after 1 and 2 days of ZIKV infection in bulk cultures. (B) Dot plot representing steady state, IFN-β-, and ZIKV-induced expression levels for innate immune signal transduction components in scRNAseq data. Color scale represents normalized expression (scaled median z-score across all genes and conditions in the plot). (C-D) IFN-β gene induction in bulk cultures by qPCR in neural stem cell (dark grey) and differentiated cultures (light grey), induced by treatment with a RIG-I agonist (C, poly(U/UC) transfection) or TLR3 agonist (D, poly(I:C) extracellular application). (E) Firefly luciferase activity, induced under control of an exogenous IFN-β promoter in response to poly(U/UC) or poly(I:C). Firefly luciferase was normalized to Renilla luciferase driven by a CMV promoter to control for transfection efficiency. (F-G) IFN-β induction in response to high ZIKV inoculum or the strong RIG-I agonist, Sendai virus. P-values on graphs in C-D represent unpaired t-test. (H-I) Differential gene expression comparing ZIKV+ cells to MOCK according to level of ZIKV RNA. Astrocytes significantly upregulated innate immune signaling genes (CXCL10, CCL5, IFNB1) at the highest level of ZIKV reads. (J) IFNB1-expressing cells according to cell type (color) and ZIKV infection status (border) across treatment conditions. (K-L) Differentially expressed genes (x-axis) in IFNB1-expressing cells as identified in (J), compared to IFNB-negative cells in the same treatment condition. Significance likelihood reflects bootstrap analysis of 100 DE comparisons and is a measurement of the percent of comparisons in which the gene fold change was identified as significant with adjusted p-value <0.05. Color reflects average log2-fold change across all comparisons.