A. Experimental timeline. B. Schematics of OFC targeting. C. Acquisition (latency) days 1–4. Days of training: F (2.296,61.98) = 78.09, P<0.0001, treatment: F (1,27) = 0.41, P= 0.53, interaction: F (3,81) = 0.67, P= 0.57.D. Acquisition (Learning Index) days 1–4. Treatment: t(27)= 0.092, P= 0.93. E. Acquisition (probe trial) latency to escape. Treatment: t(27)= 0.39, P= 0.69. F. Acquisition (probe trial) time in target zone. Treatment: t(27)=0.58, P= 0.56. G. Heat maps of acquisition probe trial. H. Reversal learning (latency) days 1–4. Days of training: F (2.172, 58.66) = 17.36, P<0.0001, treatment: F (1, 27) = 4.31, P= 0.048, interaction: F (3,81) = 1.84, P= 0.15. I. Reversal learning (Learning Index) days 1–4. Treatment t(26)= 1.01, P= 0.32. J. Reversal learning (probe trial) latency to escape. Treatment: t (27) = 2.74, P= 0.011.K. Reversal learning (probe trial) time in target zone. Treatment t (27) =3.824, P= 0.0007. L. Heat maps acquisition probe trial. rmANOVA: C & H. Student-t-tests: D-F, I-K. Vehicle n= 15, ChABC n=14, all males.