Figure 4: Thermal suitability for transmission of malaria by Anopheles stephensi predicted for constant and diurnally fluctuating temperature conditions.
A) Model versions parameterized with TPCs fit to empirical data collected from constant temperature (T) conditions (model 1, constant T) and fluctuating conditions (model 2, empirical fluctuating T). B) Model versions parameterized with TPCs fit to empirical data collected from fluctuating conditions (model 2, empirical fluctuating T) and TPCs predicted by rate summation performed on trait TPCs for focal traits only (model 3, trait-level RS - 3 traits). C) Model versions comparing rate summation performed on the TPCs for traits (model 4, trait-level RS - all traits) and on the TPC for suitability itself (model 5, -level RS). The numbers in the legends below refer to model numbers, see Methods for model details.