A. Schematic of crossing strategy. tsp, tissue-specific promoter. poi, protein of interest. B-D. Representative images of embryos obtained from crossing mNG211-tubb4b and ubb:mNG21–10 (B–B′), fez2f:mNG21–10 (C–C′), or myl7:mNG21–10 (D). B′ and C′ show boxed regions in B and C, respectively. E-H. Representative images of embryos obtained by crossing krt8-mNG211 to ubb:mNG21–10 (E–F), fez2f:mNG21–10 (G), or myl7:mNG21–10 (H). E′ shows boxed region in E. Maximum projections of confocal z-stacks. Images were acquired at 24 hours post-fertilization (hpf) unless otherwise noted. Image in D has been overexposed to emphasize lack of fluorescence. Autofluorescent speckles (yolk, pigment cells, and debris) are colored blue for display purposes. Scale bars, 50 μm.