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. 2024 Sep 5;36:e20240066en. doi: 10.62675/2965-2774.20240066-en

Table 2. Methods for evaluating spontaneous ventilation ability.

Methods n (%) IC95%
Evaluation of the ability to breathe spontaneously * (n = 138)
GRVS + SBT 65 (47.1) 38.6 - 55.8
SBT 37 (26.8) 19.6 - 35.0
GRVS 36 (26.1) 19.0 - 34.2
Methods for SBT (n = 37)
PS above PEEP 16 (43.2) 27.1 - 60.5
T-piece 13 (27.0) 20.2 - 52.5
PS according to the ETT diameter 10 (27.0) 13.8 - 44.2
CPAP 2 (5.4) 0.7 - 18.2
Methods for the GRVS # n = 35
Gradual reduction of PS 17 (48.6) 30.4 - 64.5
Respiratory rate gradual reduction while on SIMV 15 (42.9) 25.5 - 59.2
VSV 14 (40.0) 23.1 - 56.5
Others 1 (2.8) 0.7 - 14.5

IC95% - 95% confidence interval; GRVS - gradual reduction in ventilatory support; SBT - spontaneous breathing trial; PS - pressure support; ETT - endotracheal tube; PEEP - positive end-expiratory pressure; CPAP - continuous positive airway pressure; SIMV - synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation; VSV - volume support ventilation.


Total sample size;

multiple responses were allowed;

the sample size was 36, but one response was missing.