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. 2024 Oct 7;196(33):E1136–E1143. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.240787

Figure 4:

Figure 4:

Number of doses needed to prevent 1 cervical cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) with 1-dose or 2-dose human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in (A) Quebec and (B) Ontario, assuming different 1-dose efficacy and duration scenarios. Boxplots represent the model projections using 50 parameter sets, illustrating uncertainty related to sexual activity, screening behaviour, and the natural history and epidemiology of HPV infection and related diseases. *Model projections of the incremental number of doses needed to prevent 1 cervical cancer are higher than 50 000 for this scenario. Supporting data are presented in Appendix 1, Tables A5 and A6. Note: VD = vaccine duration of protection, VE = vaccine efficacy.