Fig. 4.
Changes in antibody responses after homologous challenge. Changes of microarray reactivity due to CHMI were identified by comparing signal intensities in samples collected before and four weeks after inoculation. Study participants were grouped into placebos (n = 6) and recipients of PfSPZ Vaccine (n = 10) with both groups containing equal numbers of HIV positive and HIV negative subjects. (a, c) Median changes of IgG (a) and IgM (c) signal intensities over challenge given for the 262 microarray antigens. Antigens are sorted by median intensity changes in the vaccinees´ group. (b, d) Volcano plot of mean changes in microarray IgG (b) and IgM (d) signal intensities over CHMI in the vaccinees compared to placebo group, as well as in the protected individuals (n = 4) compared to the unprotected individuals (n = 12) for IgG (e) and IgM (f). Fold change and p-values (Welch-corrected Student's t-test) are given for all microarray antigens. Significantly differentially recognized reactive antigens (p-value <0.05 and fold change >2) are depicted in red (see Table S1 for antigen abbreviations and Table S9–S12 for summary of data).