Table 4.
MISE calibration files required to deliver calibrated measurements to achieve the science objectives
Name | Interpretation | Description |
Average Spectral Calibration ASCII File | Channel, center wavelength, and FWHM in microns | Spectral calibration and uncertainty (nanometers) |
Spectral Calibration Array | Center wavelength in first channel, uncertainty in second, FWHM in third, uncertainty in FWHM in fourth | Spectral calibration and uncertainty (nanometers) for all pixel elements |
Spatial Cross-Track Response Function | Function that describes the cross-track response | Describes the convolution of the cross-track signal in the spectrum |
Spatial Along-Track Response Function | Function that describes the along-track response | Describes the convolution of the along-track signal in the spectrum |
Spectral Stray Light Factors | Correction matrices as in Chapman et al. (2019) | Brings response functions towards Gaussian |
Spatial Stray Light Factors | Correction matrices as in Chapman et al. (2019) | Brings response functions towards Gaussian |
Bad Pixel Mask | Zero indicates good pixels. <1 indicates bad pixels and number of contiguous bad pixels in the spectrum. >1 indicated row and column masked pixels | From laboratory calibration measurements. Updated as needed |
Radiometric Dark Level | Offset value to be subtracted from each element before radiometric analysis | From un-illuminated portion of orbit and masked detector elements |
Radiometric Calibration Coefficients (SWIR/MWIR) | Channel, μW/cm2/nm/sr/DN, and one-sigma uncertainty | Maps digital numbers (DN) to radiance |
Radiometric Flat Field | Small relative radiometric corrections that refine the RCC-predicted radiance value. Should be close to unity. With uncertainties in second channel | Fine correction of radiometric coefficient across pixel elements |
Linearity Map | Mapping from measured dark-subtracted digital numbers to ideal linear digital numbers | Linearity correction for all FPA elements |
Spatial Camera model | The “look direction” and vertical iFOV of each cross-track element. Values contain Pitch, Roll, Yaw, Lateral iFOV FWHM (milliradian), Lateral Shape parameter (unused), Vertical iFOV FWHM (milliradian), Vertical Shape parameter (unused) | In concert with position, attitude, and scan mirror data, the camera model allows projection of the measured spectra on to the surface target |