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. 2024 Oct 9;220(7):80. doi: 10.1007/s11214-024-01097-8

Table 4.

MISE calibration files required to deliver calibrated measurements to achieve the science objectives

Name Interpretation Description
Average Spectral Calibration ASCII File Channel, center wavelength, and FWHM in microns Spectral calibration and uncertainty (nanometers)
Spectral Calibration Array Center wavelength in first channel, uncertainty in second, FWHM in third, uncertainty in FWHM in fourth Spectral calibration and uncertainty (nanometers) for all pixel elements
Spatial Cross-Track Response Function Function that describes the cross-track response Describes the convolution of the cross-track signal in the spectrum
Spatial Along-Track Response Function Function that describes the along-track response Describes the convolution of the along-track signal in the spectrum
Spectral Stray Light Factors Correction matrices as in Chapman et al. (2019) Brings response functions towards Gaussian
Spatial Stray Light Factors Correction matrices as in Chapman et al. (2019) Brings response functions towards Gaussian
Bad Pixel Mask Zero indicates good pixels. <1 indicates bad pixels and number of contiguous bad pixels in the spectrum. >1 indicated row and column masked pixels From laboratory calibration measurements. Updated as needed
Radiometric Dark Level Offset value to be subtracted from each element before radiometric analysis From un-illuminated portion of orbit and masked detector elements
Radiometric Calibration Coefficients (SWIR/MWIR) Channel, μW/cm2/nm/sr/DN, and one-sigma uncertainty Maps digital numbers (DN) to radiance
Radiometric Flat Field Small relative radiometric corrections that refine the RCC-predicted radiance value. Should be close to unity. With uncertainties in second channel Fine correction of radiometric coefficient across pixel elements
Linearity Map Mapping from measured dark-subtracted digital numbers to ideal linear digital numbers Linearity correction for all FPA elements
Spatial Camera model The “look direction” and vertical iFOV of each cross-track element. Values contain Pitch, Roll, Yaw, Lateral iFOV FWHM (milliradian), Lateral Shape parameter (unused), Vertical iFOV FWHM (milliradian), Vertical Shape parameter (unused) In concert with position, attitude, and scan mirror data, the camera model allows projection of the measured spectra on to the surface target