a Experimental design to quantitate fluorescent soluble cargo uptake in cells pre-treated with cargo-saturated CYpHER. Step 1: CYpHER is saturated with target (2:1 target:binding moiety ratio), then applied to cells for 2 h. Step 2: After cells are thoroughly rinsed, new fluorescently-labeled soluble target is added to cells. Fluorescence accumulation is increased by CYpHER pre-treatment. b Designs and elements of CYpHERs used. c Soluble EGFRvIII uptake per cell after 24 h incubation with A549, H1650, H1975, or H358 cells either untreated (to quantitate passive uptake) or pre-treated for 2 h with unlabeled-EGFR-saturated 10 nM CT-1212-1, normalized to each cell line’s untreated uptake levels. N cells per sample as follows. H358: No CYpHER, 6309; CT-1212-1 Pre-treat, 5901. H1650: No CYpHER, 6622; CT-1212-1 Pre-treat, 6567. H1975: No CYpHER, 6087; CT-1212-1 Pre-treat, 5858. A549: No CYpHER, 7584; CT-1212-1 Pre-treat, 7848. Each line (H358, H1650, H1975, A549), pre-treatment vs Untreated via two-tailed Kolmogorov–Smirnov [KS] test were P < 0.0001. Pre-treatments all-vs-all by Kruskal–Wallis test with Dunn’s correction [KWD] were P < 0.0001. d Soluble EGFRvIII uptake per cell in H1975 cells as in c comparing CT-1212-1, CT-6212-1, and CT-5212-3. N cells per sample: CT-1212-1 Pre-treat, 5778; CT-6212-1 Pre-treat, 5277; CT-5212-3 Pre-treat, 5540. All-vs-all by KWD: CT-6212-1 Pre-treat vs CT-5212-3 Pre-treat P > 0.9999, all others P < 0.0001. e Soluble PD-L1 uptake per cell as in c except with soluble PD-L1 as cargo, comparing CT-4212-1 and CT-4212-3 in MDA-MB-231 (left) or H1650 (right) cells. N cells per sample as follows. MDA-MB-231: No CYpHER, 22023; CT-4212-1 Pre-treat, 6667; CT-4212-3 Pre-treat, 7398. H1650: No CYpHER, 20807; CT-4212-1 Pre-treat, 7546; CT-4212-3 Pre-treat, 7215. Within each cell line, all-vs-all KWD were P < 0.0001. Each experiment in c–e was performed once. All box plots (c–e) feature a median (black line), 25th and 75th percentiles (box boundaries), and 5th and 95th percentiles (whiskers). See the Supplementary Data for full statistical breakdown. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.