Fig. 1. Spartina anglica produces DMSP via SDC and DOX.
a Spartina anglica at Stiffkey saltmarsh, May 2021. b DMSP synthesis pathway in S. anglica converts methionine to DMSP via four enzyme activities (green). c HPLC trace of SDC assay for recombinant S. anglica SDC (SaSDC, S-methylmethionine decarboxylase) incubated with SMM, leading to production of DMSP-amine, alongside an SMM-only control. d GC result of DOX assay performed on enzyme extracts from S. anglica leaf tissue, recombinant S. anglica copper amine oxidase 1 (SaCAO1) and recombinant S. anglica DOX (SaDOX, DMSP-amine oxidase). Enzymes were incubated with DMSP-amine or DMSP-amine and competing substrate putrescine in excess, leading to production of DMSP-aldehyde that spontaneously degrades to produce DMS. Pig kidney diamine oxidase used as a positive control (n = 3 per protein and substrate). e RT-qPCR of S. anglica DMSP synthesis genes in denoted tissues (n = 4 for leaf, rhizome, root and stem, n = 3 for inflorescence). p-values indicate statistical significance after one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey test; n.s. denotes no statistically significant difference. f HPLC traces of SDC assays performed on enzyme extracts prepared from denoted S. anglica tissues. Retention times of SMM (6.5 min) and DMSP-amine (7.6 min) are indicated in blue and red, respectively. g DOX assays performed on enzyme extracts prepared from denoted S. anglica tissues, normalised to 1 µg of total extracted protein and with activities shown relative to leaf (n = 3, p = 0.00000373). Letters indicate statistical significance after one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey test. h DMSP accumulation in denoted S. anglica tissues (n = 4 for inflorescence, leaf and root, n = 3 for rhizome and stem, p = 0.041686 for leaf vs stem, p = 0.005 for leaf vs rhizome, p = 0.00002820 for leaf vs root, p = 0.0000584 for leaf vs inflorescence). Letters indicate statistical significance after one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey test. Data represent mean ± one standard error. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.