Table 3.
Construct | Delivery | Example item |
Alcohol use | STa, EDb, FUc, RMd, and MRe | Have you had any alcohol since your last report? |
Alcohol type | ED and MR | What type of alcoholic drinks did you have? |
Alcohol start time | ST, RM, and MR | Confirm the time you started drinking. |
Alcohol end time | ED and MR | What time did you finish drinking? |
Alcohol quantity | ST, ED, FU, RM, and MR | How many total standard drinks did you have? |
Subjective intoxication | ST, FU, ED, and RM | Rate how drunk/high you feel. |
Cannabis type | ST, FU, ED, and MR | Are you using flower (i.e., plant, bud)? |
Cannabis quantity | ST, FU, ED, and MR | How much flower (i.e., plant, bud) are you using? |
Cannabis start time | ST, RM, and MR | Confirm the time you started using flower. |
Cannabis end time | ED and MR | What time did you finish using flower yesterday? |
Cannabis reasons | ST and RM | Please select the reason(s) you are using cannabis. |
Cannabis mode | ED and MR | Which of the following modes did you use with flower? |
Context: location | ST, RM, and FU | Where are you? |
Context: activity | ST, RM, and FU | What are you doing? |
Context: social | ST, RM, and FU | Are you by yourself or with others? |
Context: social relationship | ST, RM, and FU | Who are you with? |
Context: social use | ST, RM, and FU | Are the people (person) you are with drinking alcohol? |
Nicotine use | ST and MR | Are you using any of the following nicotine products? |
Craving | ST, FU, RM, ED, and MR | How strong is your urge to drink alcohol right now? |
Affect | ST and ED | How much have you felt upset in the past 15 minutes? |
Impulsivity | ST | I did something without really thinking it through. |
Disinhibition (Stroop task) | FUf | Multimedia Appendix 1 |
Motor intoxication (gait task) | FUg | Multimedia Appendix 1 |
Alcohol or cannabis consequences | MR | Did you experience any of the following yesterday as a result of your alcohol use? |
Alcohol or cannabis intentions | MR | Do you plan to drink alcohol today? |
Intoxication intentions | MR | How high do you plan to get today? |
Nonuse reasons | MR | Please select the reasons you did not use cannabis yesterday. |
Other substance use | MR | Did you use substances other than alcohol or cannabis yesterday? |
aST: event-contingent begin alcohol or cannabis use or start survey.
bED: event-contingent end alcohol or cannabis use or finish survey.
cFU: event-contingent follow-up survey.
dRM: signal-contingent random survey.
eMR: event-contingent morning report.
fAdministered in the first follow-up only.
gAdministerd in the second follow-up only.