Table 3.
Exemplar Quotes From Parents About Changes in Discipline as a Result of the Handbook.
More talking/explaining/communicating |
1. “By talking to them and explaining things better and helping them understand what is right instead of being angry at them.” |
2. “Using more communication and explanation.” |
3. “It helps me talk to my child in an orderly fashion.” |
More Redirecting |
1. “Redirecting the child’s behavior into a positive.” |
2. “Redirecting my children when they have a tantrum.” |
3. “How to discipline and redirect his behavior and deal with different situations differently and with patient.” |
4. “I use redirecting to discipline my children.” |
5. “Talking out my expectations and redirecting bad behavior with positive activity.” |
6. “Whenever he does something he isn’t supposed to do I tell him what he’s supposed to be doing rather than that. For example, when he bites me I tell him that biting is for eating and not for hurting people.” |
More patience/listening |
1. “Just being more patient and knowing that a child is like a sponge so with good explanation and time they do understand.” |
2. “I listen to them more and make sure I’m calm before I deal with the discipline.” |
Less Anger/Yelling and/OR less Spanking |
1. “I can explain things to them so I am not just yelling and spanking all the time.” |
2. “Talk and explain more, reduced yelling and avoided spanking.” |
3. “Less yelling and spanking, more redirecting.” |
4. “More talking, less yelling and spanking.” |
5. “Used to give spankings, yell more.” |
6. “To not yell at them or spank them, to guide them with an example.” |
7. “It’s not necessary to yell at them or hit them, to first talk so that they understand better and to not raise the voice at them.” |
8. “Choosing other methods discipline instead of spanking.” |
9. “Stop spanking.” |
10. “It isn’t necessary to spank. be more patient. try to understand how to explain the situation to children instead of hit them.” |
11. “Because less spanking and more time out.” |
Non-specific response |
1. “It gave me new ideas to help with my older son because what I was doing never worked.” |
2. “It shows you other ways to discipline your child.” |
3. “Helped improve both my kids’ behavior.” |
4. “Helped us motivate the kids to behave well.” |