FIG. 5.
Detection of Sip-L and eSip-L mRNA by RT-PCR. (A) To mark the positions of primers (P1 to P4), the first nucleotide of the Sip-L initiation codon was assigned as no. 1. (B) Primers P1 and P2 were used to detect Sip-L mRNA. (C) Primers P3 and P4 were used to detect eSip-L mRNA. The sequence of P, a P1-to-P2 DNA fragment, was verified, and P was then used as a hybridization control. Co, colon; Ki, kidney; Lu, lung; Li, liver; St, stomach; Br, brain; Sp, spleen; Mu, skeletal muscle. Two paired liver tumor tissues, including cancerous (LT) and noncancerous (NT) parts, were also tested. As a control, β-actin mRNA was detected simultaneously for all tissues.