Figure 2.
Homo‐ and heterodisplacement of APs adsorbed on PS, PES, or TPU, A) applying APs with identical PEG/S ratio and identical (homodisplacement) or different (heterodisplacement) molecular weights. Differential Equation (1) used to describe the displacement kinetics with Γ being the surface coverage and k the desorption time constant. Equation (2) is fitted to original data (an exemplary fit is indicated by the gray, dashed line in [E]). Four homo‐ and heteroexchange conditions were studied using two APs, each used once as pre‐adsorbed and as displacing component in solution, respectively. B) Exchanged amount of AP after 14 days incubation with displacer solutions, extracted from values of decreasing fluorescence. C,D) One solution of Equation (1) suggests a fast and slow desorption process characterized by two exchange rates of desorbing AP. E–G) Kinetics of AP displacement over a 14‐days period on PS (E), PES (F), and TPU (G) plotted as normalized fluorescence, elucidating the two‐staged desorption process.