Virusf | Serum neutralizing titerb | RSV ELISA titerc | Protectiond |
Pre-immune | <1:8 | NDe | ND |
VSV rwt | <1:8 | <64 | − |
VSV-RSV G | 1:16 | 128 | + |
VSV-RSV F | 1:32 | 4,096 | + |
VSVΔG | <1:8 | <64 | − |
VSVΔG-RSV G | <1:8 | <64 | − |
VSVΔG-RSV F | <1:8 | 1,024 | + |
Human anti-RSV | 1:1,024 | ND | ND |
MAbαF | ND | 4,096 | ND |
Serum was collected 2 weeks after boost immunizations.
Neutralizing titers were determined on Vero cells and are reported as the last dilution in which RSV CPE were absent. RSV-specific antiserum (human anti-RSV serum) was used as a positive control.
Dilution of pooled mouse serum which corresponded to an OD450 of 0.5.
Protection against RSV replication in BAL fluid and lung tissue.
ND, not determined.
rwt, recombinant wild type; MAbaF, RSV F-specific mouse monoclonal antibody.