Organ‐on‐Chip devices can include dynamic environmental factors that improve cellular fidelity and compatibility with imaging. |
Materials for Organ‐on‐Chip engineering need to be designed for both the engineering of the device and the support of cell culture. |
Improvements to the expensive nature of the efficiency of drug discovery could create billions of dollars in savings for large companies. |
Organ‐on‐Chip devices are difficult to scale to mass production. |
Plastic membranes or microfluidic hydrogels can be functionalized into microfluidic channels to model human tissue's various barriers and interfaces. |
Hydrogel's are, by nature, fragile which make it challenging to shape them into stable structures with a defined vascular–epithelial interface. |
Separate microfluidic networks can be created by synthetic polymeric elastomer used as a scaffold for the development of vascularized functional tissues. |
Organ‐on‐Chip devices need successful reproduction of biological functions. A high level of understanding is needed for industrial decision making and current validation protocols are limited. |
To prompt the self‐fabrication of endothelial cells into perfusable microvascular network in hydrogels growth factors and biochemical signals are used. |
Elastomers used in LoC devices are hydrophobic and very sticky to ENMs, growth factor, and protein supplements, which reduces their availability to cells. |
Microfluidic cell culture device representing 13 organs was created to model inter‐organ interactions and quantify the relationship between organ volume and blood residence time. |
Body‐on‐chop concept struggle with developing universal in vitro culture mediums for organ‐specific cells, functional aspects, and lack of organs specific multicellularity. |
Using human iPSCs, epithelial and epithelial‐mesenchymal organoids have been developed like corneal and retinal tissue. |
Organoids are challenged by reproducibility, diffusion, control over perfusion and input–output parameters, applicability of built‐in functional readouts. |