Edge | Level of Evidencea | References |
Anxiety -> Comorbidity (CCI) | 5 | (60–63) |
Depression -> Comorbidity (CCI) | 5 | (60–68) |
Sleep -> Comorbidity (CCI) | 5 | (69–72) |
Financial strain -> Obesity | 3 | (60, 73–75) |
Obesity -> Comorbidity (CCI) | 5 | (60, 76) |
Obesity -> Depression | 5 | (60) |
Obesity -> Anxiety | 5 | (60, 76, 77) |
Obesity -> PEG | 5 | (10, 33, 60) |
Anxiety -> Sleep | 5 | (72, 78, 79) |
Anxiety -> Smoking | 5 | (78, 80, 81) |
Depression -> Smoking | 5 | (78, 80, 81) |
Sleep -> Depression | 5 | (72, 78, 82) |
Depression -> PEG | 5 | (31, 38, 60, 83, 84) |
Anxiety -> PEG | 5 | (10, 60, 84) |
Sleep -> PEG | 5 | (25, 31, 78) |
Education -> Comorbidity (CCI) | 5 | (85–89) |
Education -> Obesity | 5 | (89, 90) |
Education -> Anxiety | 5 | (63, 91) |
Education -> Depression | 5 | (63, 78, 89, 91, 92) |
Education -> Financial stress | 3 | (93, 94) |
Education -> Smoking | 5 | (83, 95, 96) |
Education -> PEG | 5 | (38, 78, 97, 98) |
Financial strain -> Anxiety | 3 | (99, 100) |
Financial strain -> Depression | 3 | (99–101) |
Financial strain -> Sleep | 2 | (102, 103) |
Financial strain -> PEG | 2 | (78, 97, 104) |
Sleep -> Smoking | 5 | (72, 78) |
Smoking -> PEG | 5 | (24, 38, 98) |
Catastrophization -> Anxiety | 2 | (105, 106) |
Catastrophization -> Depression | 2 | (105, 106) |
Catastrophization -> PEG | 4 | (84, 105, 107–111) |
Fear Avoidance -> Anxiety | 2 | (105, 106, 112) |
Fear Avoidance -> Depression | 2 | (105, 106, 112) |
Fear Avoidance -> PEG | 4 | (84, 105, 109–111) |
Age -> Comorbidity (CCI) | 2 | (60, 113) |
Age -> Obesity | 3 | (60, 114) |
Age -> Sleep | 3 | (78, 115) |
Age -> PEG | 4 | (60, 78, 105, 116, 117) |
Age -> Smoking | 3 | (78, 118) |
Age -> Anxiety | 3 | (78, 105, 119–122) |
Age -> Depression | 3 | (78, 105, 119, 123–125) |
Age -> Catastrophization | 2 | (105, 112, 126) |
Age -> Fear Avoidance | 2 | (105, 112, 127) |
Age -> Financial Strain | 2 | (128) |
Sex -> Comorbidity (CCI) | 5 | (60, 129) |
Sex -> Obesity | 5 | (60, 129) |
Sex -> Sleep | 3 | (130) |
Sex -> PEG | 4 | (60, 98, 131) |
Sex -> Smoking | 3 | (132) |
Sex -> Anxiety | 3 | (60, 133) |
Sex -> Depression | 3 | (60, 133) |
Sex -> Catastrophization | 3 | (105, 126, 131) |
Sex -> Fear Avoidance | 3 | (105, 134) |
Sex -> Financial strain | 4 | (135) |
Sex -> Education | 3 | (105, 136, 137) |
Alcohol -> Sleep | 5 | (138) |
Anxiety -> Alcohol | 5 | (139–141) |
Depression -> Alcohol | 5 | (142–145) |
Age -> Alcohol | 5 | (146–148) |
Sex -> Alcohol | 5 | (148) |
Alcohol -> Financial strain | 5 | (144) |
Education -> Alcohol | 3 | (149) |
Alcohol -> Comorbidity (CCI) | 3 | (148, 150) |
Alcohol -> Obesity | 5 | (151) |
Levels of evidence:
Level 1- Expert opinion only (based on causal models published in the literature)
Level 2- Cross-sectional assocation
Level 3- Temporal order (longitudinal studies demonstrating that the exposure precedes cLBP)
Level 4- Analysis-based confounding control
Level 5- Design based confounding control (e.g. MR, twin studies)