(A–E) Frontal sections showing immunohistochemistry of GFP (A–C) and MyoD (D, E) in Wnt1Cre(HET);Hprtfl (A), Ofd1fl;Wnt1Cre(HM);Hprtfl (B), Ofd1fl/WT;Wnt1Cre(HET);Hprtfl (C), wild-type (D), and Ofd1fl/WT;Wnt1Cre(HET) (E) mice at embryonic day (E) 11. P, paternal; M, maternal. (F, G) Double immunohistochemistry of GFP and MyoD (F), and GFP and C/EBPβ (G) in Ofd1fl/WT;Wnt1Cre(HET);Hprtfl mice. (H, I) Double immunohistochemistry of GFP and MyoD (H), and GFP and UCP1 (I) on cultured YFP-expressing Ofd1 (-) cranial neural crest-derived cells (CNCC), GFP-negative mesoderm-derived cells, and GFP-negative Ofd1 (+) CNCC obtained from Ofd1fl/WT;Wnt1Cre(HET);Hprtfl mice.