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. 2024 May 29;38:61. doi: 10.47176/mjiri.38.61

Table 4. Association between surgery pathology report information (pathologic T category, pathologic N category and tumor grade) and age groups during 2016-2018.

Characteristic Age Total X2 P-Value
≤ 50 50-69 >60
Pathologic T stage*
TX 23 (0.4) 19 (0.4) 0 (0.0) 42 (0.4)
T1 421 (7.2) 447 (8.6) 80 (7.9) 948 (7.9)
T2 1124 (19.6) 1109 (21.2) 221 (21.6) 2454 (20.5) 31.10 0.014
T3 232 (4.0) 167 (3.2) 39 (3.8) 438 (3.7)
T4 27 (0.5) 29 (0.6) 13 (1.3) 69 (0.6)
Not report/ missing 3917 (68.2) 3462 (66.2) 670 (65.5) 8049 (67.1)
Pathologic N stage**
NX 47 (0.8) 50 (1.0) 8 (0.8) 105 (0.9)
N0 722 (12.6) 699 (13.4) 130 (12.7) 1551 (12.9)
N1 557 (9.7) 502 (9.6) 94 (9.2) 1155 (9.6) 5.22 0.816
N2 320 (5.6) 293 (5.6) 66 (6.5) 680 (5.7)
N3 148 (2.6) 144 (2.8) 22 (2.2) 314 (2.6)
Not report/ missing 3949 (68.8) 3543 (67.7) 703 (68.7) 8195 (68.3)
Tumor grade***
Grade 1 2621 (45.6) 2625 (50.2) 531 (51.9) 5777 (48.1)
Grade 2 1649 (28.7) 1420 (27.1) 280 (27.4) 3349 (27.9) 32.39 0.0001
Grade 3 1474 (25.7) 1188 (22.7) 212 (20.7) 2874 (24.0)

†Chi-squared test. *TX (Primary tumor cannot be assessed), T1(tumor ≤ 20mm), T2 (tumor >20mm but ≤ 50mm), T3(tumor >50mm), T4(Any size tumor with skin or chest wall involvement)

** NX (Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed), N0 (No regional lymph node metastasis), N1 (Metastasis in 1 to 3 regional lymph nodes), N2 (Metastasis in 4 to 9 regional lymph nodes), N3 (Metastasis in 10 or more regional lymph nodes or in ipsilateral supraclavicular lymph node)

***G1(low grade (score 3-5)), G2(intermediate grade (score 6-7)), G3(high grade (score 8-9))