Figure 2.
We conducted an investigation using ROI-to-ROI analysis to examine dynamic resting-state functional connectivity. Our results revealed significant differences in both static and dynamic resting-state functional connectivity between migraineurs experiencing photophobia and those without this symptom. Red lines indicate significantly higher connectivity and blue lines indicate significantly lower connectivity in patients with photophobia than in those without. Abbreviation; Cereb6l: Left Cerebellar hemisphere lobule VI; Cereb10: Left Cerebellar hemisphere lobule X; Hippocampus l: Left Hippocampus; aSMG l: Left Supramarginal Gyrus, anterior division; Amygdala r: Right Amygdala; FOrb r: Right Frontal Orbital Cortex; iLOC r: Right Lateral Occipital Cortex, inferior division; LG r: Right Lingual Gyrus; and aTFusC r: Right Temporal Fusiform Cortex, anterior division.