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. 2024 Sep 15;16(9):4751–4760. doi: 10.62347/TXAC6999

Table 3.

Multivariate logistic regression analysis

Factors B S.E. Wals df Sig. Exp (B) 95% C.I. for EXP (B)

Lower limit Upper limit
Age 0.644 0.480 1.800 1 0.180 1.905 0.743 4.882
Comorbid diabetes mellitus -0.289 0.589 0.240 1 0.624 0.749 0.236 2.378
Preoperative NYHA classification 1.910 0.501 14.527 1 <0.001 6.755 2.529 18.039
LVEF 1.930 0.541 12.701 1 <0.001 6.886 2.383 19.899
APACHE II score 2.053 0.533 14.833 1 <0.001 7.788 2.740 22.135
Length of ICU stay 2.247 0.498 20.334 1 <0.001 9.463 3.563 25.135
Postoperative mechanical ventilation duration 2.277 0.534 18.157 1 <0.001 9.744 3.419 27.768

Notes: NYHA: New York Heart Association; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction; APACHE II: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; ICU: intensive care unit.