Figure 6. Gene expression of selected genes.
(A) Expression of selected mRNAs highlighted on the UMAP from Figure 5A. Expression of several mRNAs expressed by myeloid-committed progenitors. (B) Functional enrichment analysis of annotated genes using hallmark collection. GSEA analysis based on log fold change from limma-trend analysis on scran-normalized data. The figure shows significant (Benjamini-Hochberg, adjusted P values < 5%) functional enrichment in biological states or processes analysis in committed myeloid progenitors (cluster 13). (C) RNA expression of S100A9 in the UMAP from Figure 5A. (D) RNA expression of granzyme A and perforin in the UMAP from R1 and R2 recipients. (E) Expression of selected mRNAs highlighted on the UMAP from Figure 5A. Expression of TBX21, TCF7, and TOX by T cells.