Fig. 5. Immunodominant clonotypic overlap is observed between the CD8 T cell subsets in Res and pSRS BrM.
Top 3 clonotypes for a representative sample of individual A Res or B pSRS BrM superimposed on the UMAP of the previously described CD8 T cell subsets (stem-like, transitory, TD1, and TD2), percentage of all cells quantified per BrM below. Highlighted clonotypes are present in all four subsets. C Percentage TCR overlap of stem-like CD8 T cells with Transitory, TD1 or TD2 in Res (left, n= 15) and pSRS (right, n= 11). Box plot shows min, max, median and interquartile range. D Quantification of the top 3 clonotypes for all BrM grouped by cluster and subdivided by treatment. Immunodominant clonotypes were enriched for in the effector subsets compared to the stem-like and transitory subsets (n= 15 Res, n= 11 pSRS). Box plot shows min, max, median and interquartile range. Source data are provided as a Source Data file and are available on the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database.