Figure 3. A complete disappearance of the three lymph node cancers on the right side of the neck by treatment with an innovative combination cancer immunotherapy (iCCI).
The patient suffered from primary hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (A, D; thin arrow) with three LN-metastatic cancers on the right side of the neck (A, white arrow, and numbers 1-3) and was treated with iCCI. Before treatment with iCCI, LN-metastatic cancers (B, No. 1 cancer; D, No. 2 cancer; F, No. 3 cancer) were detected by CECT (indicated by circles). Here, we showed a complete disappearance of three LN-metastatic cancers (C: No. 1, E: No. 2, G: No. 3 cancer) after iCCI treatment. Lesions of disappeared LN-metastatic cancers are indicated by white arrows (C, E, and G). No recurrence of metastatic cancers occurred for over 18 months until now.