The characterization of Ber-lipo. (A) Morphology of the Lipo and Ber-lipo visualized using TEM. Scale bar, 200 nm. (B) Size distributions of the Lipo and Ber-lipo analyzed by dynamic light scattering method. (C) Surface zeta potentials of the Lipo and Ber-lipo diluted in water at room temperature tested by electrophoretic light scattering method. (D) Size stability of the Lipo and Ber-lipo when stored in water over a period of 7 d. (E) Polydispersity index of the Lipo and Ber-lipo in water within consecutive 7 d. (F) The biodistribution of Dil/Dil@lipo in RAW264.7 cells with or without LPS stimulation imaged by confocal microscope (LSM710, Zeiss, Germany). Scale bar, 20 μm. (G) Schematic illustration of the biodistribution of Dir/Dir@lipo in ALI mice observed under IVIS. (H–L): (H) In vivo biodistribution of Dir@lipo and Dir in main organs at different time periods after intraperitoneal injection of them via IVIS imaging. H, heart. Li, liver. S, spleen. Lu, lung. K, kidney. (I) Statistical analysis of fluorescent intensity ratio of lung to liver for each group (n = 3). (J–L) Statistical analysis of fluorescence intensity in the livers, lungs, and blood (n = 3). ∗P < 0.05.